The Illinois Norsk Rosemalers Association exists to promote and encourage the art of rosemaling: by publishing a newsletter ‘Avisen’, sponsoring classes and holding meetings for members. We participate in northern Illinois events to promote our organization and offer our rosemaling for sale.
Visit our Rosemaling Classes page. *Beginner offerings*

In-Person Events 2025 – please join us when you can!
- March 8, 2025: Member Meeting: Annual Sweater and Baking meeting
- April 4-6, 2025: IN PERSON CLASS – La Grange, IL
- May 2025: Norwegian National League lunch at Park Ridge Country Club.
- May 2025: Syttende Mai Parade in Park Ridge – organized by the Norwegian National League of Chicago
- Summer general meeting TBD.
- June 20-21, 2025: Swedish Days in Geneva, IL at the Gift Box 310 West State St., Geneva IL
- Summer Picnic with ‘garage sale’ for members TBD
- September 7, 2025: Scandinavian Day Festival at Vasa Park, Elgin, IL
- September 12-14, 2025 IN PERSON CLASS, Lake Zurich, IL
- Project: Rococo Lefse Box with Pam Rucinski
- October 2025: Cottages in the Woods, Good Templar Park, Geneva, IL
Member Studio time together via ZOOM – link sent to members via email JOIN NOW!

2025 Raffle: Coming soon
Avisen Newsletters
Password required and provided to members. Click on the image of the newsletter you wish to view.

Ornaments of the Year (OOTY’s)
INRA chooses a different shape each year to be our OOTY. These are numbered and rosemaled by artists and members and sold at our sales events.